As a nurse I feel extremely blessed. I get to do what I love. I interact with people every day. I see them often when they are not at their best and strongest. When they are vulnerable, stressed, embarrassed, and weak. I love going into a room and engaging the people in the room. I love to love them...through laughter, allow them to cry, reassure and calm them. On the flip side I get to enjoy working with others from all walks of life. A variety of great proportion. That is why it works. We all have unique gifts and strengths. Where one is weak another is strong. The laughter. The frustrations. The satisfaction. The tears. We see each other at our worse and best.
I have recently felt convicted of the cynical attitude I have adopted. I am not a cynical person. It's not who I am. I'm ashamed of the attitude I've had towards patients and others. And while my thoughts and feelings may be valid it's not who I am.
Grace. "A temporary exemption. The quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful."(Merriam Webster Dictionary) Grace is something that asks us to put aside our feelings and emotions a comment, action, or person makes us feel. It calls us to a higher standard of love. Asks us to take a step back and look at the whole picture and see beyond how it effects us. Put aside the valid right to be angry or frustrated and give a do over to someone. It allows us to see the person as human, just like us. Not perfect. Searching. Sometimes for an easy way to just relieve the pain because they're so tired of feeling it. There are people that use and abuse us and don't deserve a second chance. There are people that were taught to just go for the easy fix and don't know any better. There are people that know better but have no hope or no support. Grace covers it all. Grace brings us back to the heart of the matter.
I am tired of the bandaids and quick fixes. I am sick and tired of being cynical and angry at people that come into the ED. I'm tired of acting out of the cynicism. It wears me down. It makes me angry. It's not who I am. I'm writing this as a plea. To those who are tired of enabling people. Tired of putting bandaids on gapping wounds that require tough love. It's time to get our heads together and make something happen. Make people responsible for their health and life. Educate them on what they have available and what they can do to help themselves. It's time for grace and tough love...for patients, families, co workers, everyone. It's time to make a change. Time to change lives and hearts. It's time. I'm done playing. I'm done sitting and just letting things continue. Time to fight. The gloves are on.
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