Friday, February 10, 2012

The Mark

Man walked on the moon. Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Lewis and Clark forged the uncharted american frontier. These facts we all know well. Not because we personally experienced it. Few experienced it first hand. It's through their stories we were taught to dream and follow our hearts. To believe and act. It's through stories like these, like Hosea in the Bible, like yours and mine...we are reminded to trust and persevere.  To dig down deep into what we hope we are made of and experience it by choosing to live it out. Taking a step of faith into what seems uncertain but resonates to the core of our soul.

I heard a sermon recently on renovation of the heart. Pastor Jonathan Robbins explained that had the space shuttle been off it's mark even a hundredth of a degree, Armstrong would have missed HIS mark/destination/dream. The shuttle would have bypassed the moon. Because over time, that seemingly minute miscalculation would have multiplied to thousands of miles. It would be safe to say the same would apply to Columbus and Lewis and Clark. One small adjustment and the history of America would be drastically changed.

Affair-a romantic or passionate attachment typically of limited duration(Merriam Webster). Affairs of the heart can be obvious or subtle. In a relationship it often occurs when one goes outside the realm of the relationship and invites someone or something else in. Whether it be conversation, time spent, romance, comfort foods, movies, wine...when one goes to someone or something other than who they are committed to it is an affair. Affairs are substitutes, generic forms of what we truly want or desire. Temptations that entice and enchant only leading to distraction and disillusionment. Veering us subtly off the course He has mapped out for us. When a choice doesn't align completely with our heart, we settle for something just short of perfect.  Compromising and tainting the very passion and desire He gave us. Our decisions/choices reflect the state of our hearts.  We are the Armstrong and Lewis and Clark of our lives.  Our lives, the truth we know, is based on our own personal experience and knowledge of Him. Truth we find and have felt through grief, pain, confusion, revelation, and beauty. Truth we have fought for and clung to.  When we decide to opt for almost perfect, whether it be due to impatience or selfishness or loneliness, it sets our compass a hundredth of a degree south from where He is leading us. Multiply that small change in trajectory x days/weeks/months/years and you've got a heart nearly off the grid of her/his original redeeming beautiful life giving journey.

He whispered to me recently I had taken on the role of Gomer, again. That's not a good thing. Gomer was a prostitute. And while I wasn't physically a prostitute, emotionally and spiritually I was. I don't know if you've ever read the book of Hosea. It's a beautiful humbling metaphor of His love, commitment, and desire for us. One of the most humbling moments I've experienced was the first time He made me very aware of how I was just as much like Gomer as I was like Hosea. I was driving to work, literally talking out loud to Him. "Why can't he see all I want is his time. Why can't he see all I want is to be loved. Why can't he see I'd do anything for him, he just has to choose me. I just want to be with him, in his presence." He broke in and whispered, "Anna, why can't you see that's all I want from you." I was speechless. My life had been one affair after another choosing someone or something over Him. Yet He still wanted me.  He was offering to take me by the hand, pull me up from the ravine I had driven myself into, and realign me with His course for my life.

Decisions. Ignite us. Unite us. Grow us. Hinder us. Hurt us. Strengthen or weaken us. Over time they reel us in closer to Him or create a great expanse between us and Him. An expanse that lulls us into mediocracy. Instead of landing on the moon we fly by it. Instead of discovering a new world we float aimlessly on the sea subject to extremes of sun, storms, lack of wind, clouds that hide the stars. Instead of forging and mapping out an undiscovered paradise we stumble and fall into ravines and ditches cutting and scarring ourselves as we try to climb out.  He's decided on us. His choice is me. His choice is you. The off road excursions we find ourselves on are extremely bumpy and a bit disorienting but...He's our compass and we're re-creating and adjusting our map as we go.

I'm heading towards my'll be better than the moon, a new world, and discovering/forging an unknown'll be all that and then some. Trusting in Him. Relying on Him. Knowing no matter what I choose or decide, because I'm His and I seek Him I know, no matter how many times I go off the road, He'll bring me back and realign me with our mark. It's an amazing truth to know, feel and experience.

1 comment:

  1. Hey friend - thank you for sharing. How about decisions. One wrong decision ten years ago throws us off course today. Im in a place of knowing that God's redemption is great, but also knowing that things would be different if I had chosen more wisely as well. It helps me to know that todays decisions help set the course for the next ten years. Thank you, Father, for giving us your Word to help us choose correctly!

