Wednesday, April 13, 2011

If only we could see

My heart is heavy tonight.

I wish for even just one day we could see each other as He sees us.

Tonight my heart cries...for you, for me, for everyone around us. Where is grace? Where is love?
Instead of seeing past hurt...hurt feelings, hurt pride, hurt hearts...we fight. We pass judgement. We don't talk and grow distant. We decide life is ok without who He is in that person. We hold onto the hurt and let go of the person.

Relationship of ANY kind takes perseverance, passion, endurance, tons of grace and patience, and a love that would cause a man to die on a cross.

Instead of fighting each other with our bruised hearts and prides we need to unite in grace and love and work it out as we serve each other. Bringing glory to God, awakening hearts to the beauty and truth of Him and seeking out the core of our deepest desires and passions...God.

My prayer is that we see beyond ourselves...beyond pain, emotion, pride and grab hold of the person, whomever they may be and gaze upon them with His them with His heart...serve them with His grace...God please give us your eyes...your us get over ourselves...let go and embrace life and your sons and daughters.

Thank you My Love...thank you for loving so perfectly...for your grace and patience. For not giving up on relationship with us and show us how to do the same for each other please.

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